October 24, 2010


hey hey segelas martini
bikin sama vermouth dan gin
letak sebiji zaitun lagi
beri sama si gadis Evelyn

hey hey segelas martini
hias dengan kulit lemon
ini duit daddy beri
tempah itu bilik Hilton

hey hey segelas martini
minum hanya lepas kerja
bukan niat cari bini
cuma untuk suka-suka www.tips-fb.com


Zo Ahmad said...

eh ape pesen ni buat entri name sndri nih :P

Martini Muaz said...

bukan martini nama sendiri la :P

Edy said...

martini is a cocktail, rite?
you're a bartender?
coz i'd like to learn some cocktail recipe from you. hehehehee.

Martini Muaz said...

you can get all the recipes from the net, darl.

Edy said...

yet, the experiences never the same.
